本帖最后由 firefrozen 于 2016-12-30 13:21 编辑昨晚游戏放流,所以就抽空玩了一下,自定义spell系统还是挺不错的。
介绍给出的魔法附带属性:Multi二连击,Absorb击倒回魔,berserk狂战士,suicide自杀,MP Recovery扣血回魔,Pierce穿透印,Counter反击,Protect减伤,holy guard身代魔法,move移动,steal偷,Summon召唤,dispel驱散
本帖最后由 firefrozen 于 2016-12-30 16:51 编辑
Day of Judgement 10mp召唤自爆怪
the world 58mp咏唱1回合全地图时停frozen(回合数等级相关)
the big bang 23mp 29power frozen
earthquake 15mp 23power 2回合咏唱 earth
invisible 11mp 9power 全地图blinded storm
refresh 24mp2回合咏唱目标回复等量mp
revive 9mp 9power bomb heat
ragnarok 32mp 35power 2回合咏唱 holy pierce 全地图
starlight breaker 23mp 33power 2回合咏唱 light pierce(breaker=魔炮)
excalibur mp18 power 29 earth alchemy
quasar shooting 地雷
rasengan 召唤骨头兵
berserker mp 18 power 20 bomb heat
geass mp 14 power 26 storm
fantasy killer mp 15 power 18 earth alchemy pierce instakill
accelerator mp7 power 12 storm push(lv1:1格)
Kamehameha mp 9 power 21 heat pierce
Star Burst Stream mp20 power 23 heat
元気玉 mp9 power 12 frost
这游戏其实已经上过steam,并且国内已经有汉化了,cm那个算是冷饭吧 海参娘娘 发表于 2016-12-30 16:55
确实如此,前阵子忙,没发现,致远星水贴模式 系统目前见到的掉落
Gaia hole 15/10 removebuff earth
diamond railgun 18/12 heat/frost pierce equip
steel cross 19/17 storm/earth cross
natural wall 24/17 earth square
#Akari shoot 9/4 heat
Quagmire Wall 16/13 earth square bind
crimson prison 16/17 earth/heat square bind
Icicle Spray 24/12 frost fan
Rising Trap 34/11 heat/storm mine
#swing 0/0 void
Natural Edge 21/16 earth square
blind 0/2 frost blind
blaze shot 14/9 heat 3-way
magna hurricane 15/11 heat square
feather silent 0/3 frost/storm gagged
poison cross 16/17 heat/frost cross poison
heat edge 18/17 earth/heat square(edge=earth)
storm ball 20/14 storm/earth
star bucket 12/8 earth/heat self alchemy
smell spray 23/17 frost fan smell
unicorn generade 15/15heat/storm far square bomb equip
satellite wall 15/7 heat front setup
pyro blast 29/28 heat wide pierce
bio tornado 14/13 frost square poison
storm panic 23/10 storm front
blaze blast 22/18 cast time:1 heat wide pierce
mega airy antidote 0/10 storm self antidote
fire hurricane 19/13 heat square
heal arrow 45/1 heat self heal pierce
rising spear 15/6 storm pierce
steelmortar 24/11 earth straight alchemy
mega twin forget prism 11/15 cast time 1 frost self blind/protect/counter/multi
smoke potion 15/11 frost blind
rapid sylph tornado 1/0 storm area
death flame comet 24/19 heat/far square instakill
mist potion 19/19 frost blind
double twin vermilion thrust 14/10 cast time 2 heat double way multi
summon spirit 0/45 cast time:1 earth
summon angora 0/6 earth
summon skeleton 0/27 earth
summon slime 0/12 earth
summon spirit 0/43 cast time:1 earth
版本不是最新的,血崩 全英文版本什么鬼,制作方是英语圈的?