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纵版射击 | Awaken:Underwater Odyssey

发表于 2016-8-21 23:29:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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GAME ITCH.IO page: http://tryzna.itch.io/awaken-underwater-odyssey
IndieDB profile: http://www.indiedb.com/games/awakenunderwater-odyssey
Dev.Blog: http://www.lurkerslair.com/


Awaken: Underwater Odyssey is vertical scrolling shoot em up game. Game takes place in far future on planet Neptune. You are member of Kraken squad whitch is stationed inside Leviathan class carrier craft owned by RPE corporation whitch oversees gas extracting operations on neptune.

Game is about anihilating thousands of squid like aliens while you pilot Orca MK II submarine whitch is highly customizable to fit pilots style.

Latest trailer aviable on youtube: http://youtu.be/eeYke7vvl4k


Indie Game Mag: http://indiegamemag.com/survive-the-deadly-deeps-of-neptune-in-awaken-underwater-odyssey/
Softopedia: http://games.softpedia.com/get/Games-Demo/Awaken-Underwater-Odyssey.shtml
RetroManiac: http://retromaniacmagazine.blogspot.com.es/2014/12/disparos-submarinos-en-la-demo-de.html

You can get the game by visiting its itch page or you can dowload free demo from indieDB here: http://goo.gl/D8Kw0b

Right now you can download demo containing first two missions for free and if you ll enjoy it you can support this project by purchasing the game BETA whitch contains everything except onslaught mode. Link for full version ll be sent to you when the game goes gold.

Things that ll be implemented befe the game goes full:

    - Onslaught mode

    - Rework options and preferences

    - Possibility to control hangar menu with x360controller and keyboard as well.(Righ now you have to use mouse)

    - full screen filters as an unlockable rewards(sephia, bloom, black and white etc.)

    - difficulty balancing


波波 Lv:7
发表于 2016-8-22 07:39:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-7-13 08:07:29 | 显示全部楼层
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