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本帖最后由 孕育月花的水妖 于 2016-3-2 08:04 编辑
HTC Vive is available for pre order now with first shipments targeted to begin on Tuesday, April 5th.
A complete VR solution, Vive includes two wireless VR controllers, room scale movement, a full 360° of tracking, and an HMD featuring a built-in camera to create what many critics are calling the most convincing VR experience launching this year.
In addition to the VR system, and for a limited time, those who pre order will also receive a free copy of three new VR titles: Tilt Brush from Google, Fantastic Contraption from Northway and Radial Games, and Job Simulator: The 2050 Archives from Owlchemy Labs.
Vive is the first SteamVR system, giving it the backing of full integration with the leading online platform for PC games.
To help consumers prepare for the Vive launch, Valve has issued the SteamVR test applicationfor free on Steam. It provides a fun and easy way to find out if your PC is ready for Vive.
For more information, including details on upcoming SteamVR titles, please visitstore.steampowered.com/vive.
【TechWeb报道】HTC旗下的虚拟现实设备Vive头盔于昨天23时悄然预售,由于时间比较晚所以相当于今天正式预售的,HTC Vive消费者版在中国大陆的售价为人民币6888元,每名用户限购一台,将于4月5日开始发货。
根据官方提供的消息,预购用户除了头盔两个手柄以及激光跟踪系统之外还会得到两款免费游戏,分别是Job Simulator、Fantastic Contraption,另外还有一款3D绘图工具Tilt Brush。 整体来看,虽然Vive比Oculus Rift稍微贵一点,但包含了两个VR控制手柄,并且内置了一个前置摄像头,拥有完整的空间定位传感器,不需要单独购买其它配件也能流畅使用。同时还具备Vive电话服务(Vive Phone Services)Vive电话服务使用户无需退出虚拟环境即可与真实世界保持联通,体现了融合虚拟与现实的创新能力。用户可以在Vive头戴设备上直接接听电话、回拨未接来电、读取短信并快捷回复,还可以查看日历邀请。 个人观点:作为一个平时玩游戏不多,但是玩的种类也不少的玩家来说,- -有钱的确可以入了爽一把。一个笔记本的钱吧。(稍微好点的)视觉类游戏的确能给玩家带来很多的感受,- -不过我怎么感觉游戏的质量会下降呢?Job Simulator,看着不太好,但是毕竟是通过虚拟来玩,可能会有几天的新鲜感,但而后我觉得也就没了。甚至没我的世界好玩~~(楼主没玩过,个人观点。- -勿喷。)技术会不断进步吧。所以,土豪们快入一个吧。不是很有感觉的楼主,还是不入了~ 